There’s a clear reason for this lack of faith in Valve.

The game’s Steam forums are littered with players complaining about the invasion, offering potential solutions, and wondering if Valve will do anything about it. Hughes isn’t the only TF2 player with a beef against the bots. Even when that's not the case, it often takes a few minutes to clear them all out at the beginning of a game.” Hughes describes it as follows: “It can differ from week to week, but there are times when the majority of players on a server are bots. Plus, there’s still hate speech coming from a handful of bots with the ability to mimic the names and avatars of real players, and type in chat. And even though most of the bots can’t chat anymore, they can still call vote kicks against actual players and flood matches with coordinated disruption campaigns. This removes a large portion of the bigoted speech, but it also means free-account players can’t communicate in-game. Hughes was under the impression that the chat restrictions on free accounts would be temporary, but they’re still in place today. They may have taken away the bots’ ability to unequip your cosmetic items and it's now impossible for free accounts to spam the chat with racist stuff, but casual mode is pretty much unplayable now.” More specifically, Hughes said, “The bots are worse than ever.

At the time, he called it “disastrous.” Nowadays, his description of the situation has changed. Longtime TF2 player Jason Hughes (name changed to keep him anonymous in-game) brought the bot situation to my attention in early June 2020. There’s still a big bot problem in TF2, and it looks like Valve is still ignoring it. The June 2020 update fixed a cosmetic bug that the bots had been exploiting and it removed the ability for free accounts to text chat. Once news of the bot invasion hit media outlets, Valve finally rolled out an update aimed at curbing their activity. Players documented the behavior and shared their frustration with Valve, the developer behind TF2, but the problem lingered for months. They were active in nearly every match, using cheats to secure headshots while spewing hate speech in the chat. Nine months ago, Team Fortress 2 was overrun with racist, homophobic, sexist and transphobic bots.