The long dark pistol
The long dark pistol

the long dark pistol

  • Harvesting the rifle will give the player 2 Scrap Metals.
  • All rounds/ammunition will be placed on the "materials" section
  • You can unload the rifle by selecting it on the bag and clicking the option "unload".
  • Stone Church (Inside the church, propped up against a wooden wall).
  • Hibernia Processing - second floor, under bunk beds.
  • (first floor, behind 3 crates that must be broken down)
  • Hibernia Processing - Inside plant, crawl up the pipe and it is against the wall under the boat.
  • the long dark pistol

  • Under Broken Bridge - Cave by the Waterfall - Rifle is on some rocks in the upper level of the cave.
  • Storage Building, southwest of Farmhouse (next to a corpse).
  • Myy Falls Picnic Area (next to a corpse).
  • Pleasant Valley Farmstead (second floor, under the master bed or in the office, propped against the wall by the cabinet.).
  • Jackrabbit island cabin, next to wardrobe in bedroom.
  • Next to corpse under bridge near 'Ravine' travel location.
  • Misanthrope's Homestead island (next to frozen corpse).
  • Misanthrope's Homestead, usually in the corner of the bedroom beside the wardrobe.
  • Tiny Fishing Hut (between Jackrabbit Island and Misanthrope's Homestead).
  • Commuter's Lament (in the back seat of the car).
  • Destroyed Forestry Lookout (Next to corpse by the campfire).
  • Behind Camp Office (on a trail, corpse).
  • Lone Lake Cabin (Behind the cabin, beside corpse).
  • Under the Train Bridge next to a burned out campfire.
  • Locations Possible locations where the rifle might be found. It can be repaired using the Rifle Cleaning Kit. Since Rifle Rounds are rare and Rifle Ammunition even rarer, the Hunting Rifle is better used for defensive purposes only. Bears can stand to 2-3 headshots, and 5 shots at his torso with full health. Wolves can take 2 shots on the torso, but will die with 1 headshot. It will usually bring a Deer down in one shot. It holds a maximum of 10 rounds and has a basic iron sight.

    the long dark pistol

    The Hunting Rifle is one of three firearms (the others being the Distress Pistol and Revolver) present in game.

  • 3 Possible locations where the rifle might be found.

  • The long dark pistol